Sheffield Mencap and Gateway
Get in Touch:
Sheffield Mencap and Gateway was formed in 1951 by parents of children with a learning disability who wanted to provide a better life for them. Since then, the organisation has grown and developed and today, we are the leading provider of training and support for people with learning disabilities in Sheffield. We support over 600 people every week. Our vision is that “all people with a learning disability and their carers in Sheffield feel valued and respected. We believe everyone should be supported to reach their full potential and to live the life they choose”.
In order to fulfil our vision, we provide over 100,000 hours of support every year through social and educational activities for people with learning disabilities, focused on individual interests and development.
Sheffield Mencap boasts a fantastic range of projects for children and young people with learning disabilities or autism. Most of our groups are for ages 6 - 16. Our Saturday morning groups include Shine out on Saturdays: a performance and visual arts club, Soundbites: a group to record, edit and broadcast audio and Communicate: a social skills group to develop children’s interpersonal and communication skills, incorporating fun, games and crafts. Our Kid's Fitness group runs every Thursday and we have our Friday evening club TGIF! (Thank Gateway It's Friday!), a social club that can be attended by children with learning disabilities together with their siblings. For young people aged 16 - 30 we also have our 'Gateway' social club on Tuesday evenings.