Upcoming Create Sheffield events.
Green Gardens - Creatively making our spaces our own
On 24th November, we will be exhibiting art and music from our project "Green Gardens", exploring the seldom heard voices of care experienced young people and their families.
Sheffield’s Creative Industries Showcase
If you are interested in working in a creative space, come along to our Sheffield Creative Industry Showcase to meet a real mix of creative professionals. Find out how they got to where they are now, what they might tell their younger selves, and what advice they can give you.
Sheffield’s Creative Industries Showcase – Sessions for Secondary Schools
The creative industries in Sheffield are vibrant and full of opportunity, yet many young people don’t see themselves as part of this world. Teachers and career advisors in schools don’t always know the full range of roles that exist.
Discover Creative Careers @ SHU
Join Sheffield Creative Industries at Sheffield Hallam University to understand how you can have a career within the creative industries and find out about what courses are on offer.
Historic England CPD Series: What, Where, When, Getting Started
Introduction to the new CPD series brought to you by Create Sheffield and Historic England’s Heritage Schools Programme, in partnership with Sheffield Museums, National Emergency Services Museum, Wessex Archeology and Sheffield Manor Lodge.