Accessible Summer Circus Sessions - Greentop Circus Centre
Greentop Circus Centre
What: Accessible Summer Circus Sessions
When: 11th August 10:00 - 12:00 for young people who are wheelchair users and their carers and 13:00 - 15:00 young people with hearing / visual impairments and their carers.
Where: Greentop Community Circus, St Thomas Building, 74 Holywell Road, Sheffield, S4 8AS
Who: Young People
Accessible Circus - for young wheelchair users.
Join us for a tailored summer session of circus skills like scarf juggling, plate spinning, diablo, bucket stilts, flower sticks, beams, silk cocoons for young people using wheelchairs/mobility devices and their carers.
There will be appropriate warm-up/warm-down games.
We have spaces for 8 young people + their carers
Date: Sunday 11th August 2024
Times: 10.00 - 12.00 (noon)
Accessible Circus - for young people with hearing / visual impairments and their carers
Join us for a tailored summer session of circus skills like scarf juggling, plate spinning, diablo, bucket stilts, flower sticks, beam, silk cocoons for young people with hearing / visual impairments and their carers.
There will be appropriate warm up/warm down games.
We have spaces for 12 young people + their carers
Date: Sunday 11th August 2024
Times: 13.00 - 15.00