Sheffield Virtual School for Children Looked After (SCC)
Get in Touch:
We coordinate educational services for children in our care from 2 to 18 years old.
What the Virtual school is responsible for?
We work in partnership with a child or young person’s school (or the education establishment at which they are registered) and social worker to ensure they are supported to fulfil their potential at all stages of their education. We want to give them the best opportunity to be successful in their adult lives.
While children in care attend different schools (and education establishments) across the city and in other local authorities, the Virtual School monitors their attendance, attainment and achievement. We make sure that their educational success is a top priority in their care planning. Ensuring effective and well planned transitions between the phases of early years, statutory schooling and post 16 is a key role for us.
Although the core purpose of the Sheffield Virtual School is to provide an education provision for our Sheffield CLA, we also have a focus on what a creative curriculum looks like and how this can benefit all CLA. Exploring creativity has opened a number of doors to work with partners across the city and engage in a vast array of projects working with CLA aged 4-18, foster carers, schools and other agencies. The young people involved are also helping to shape opportunities for their peers using creativity.