October Half-Term Activities - Grimm & Co
Grimm & Co
What: October Half-Term Activities
When: Various dates/times
Where: Grimm & Co. Emporium of Stories. Ship Hill, Rotherham. S60 2HG
Who: All Ages
Get Creative and Let Your Imagination Run Wild. Parent Carer Forum has teamed up with Ignite Imaginations to offer free art workshops for disabled children and their families. These sessions have kindly been funded by The Cutlers Trust.
Aimed at age 7 - 11, siblings welcome to attend. Parents / Carers must stay for the whole session. Led by a professional artist we will explore different topics and use a variety of creative skills each session to create exciting artwork and create memories.
October half-term dates are available to book now!
30th October activity: Autumn Jar Lanterns
31st October activity: Mono Printing
Any qustions please contact Ignite Imaginations at enquiries@igniteimaginations.org.uk or 0114 2686813