Become a Create Sheffield Trustee - Deadline for Applications 29th June
We are looking for new Trustees to join our Board!
Please send a CV and cover letter to by Saturday 29th June 2024
Trustee Info and How to Apply
About Create Sheffield
Create Sheffield is Sheffield’s Local Cultural Education Partnership (LCEP). It is a network of arts organisations, practitioners and educators committed to improving access to and participation in the arts for everyone under 25 in Sheffield.
Founded in 2016 and becoming a charity in 2020, with a mission to increase, improve and equalise cultural opportunities for young people.
How We Work
We connect Sheffield’s education, cultural, arts and youth sectors as the city’s Local Cultural Education Partnership (LCEP). By bringing people together, we allow them to do more together.
Our 90+ partners support and learn from each other at regular networking events. These sessions are a catalyst for creativity with real impact.
They’ve brought together youth groups or services staff with cultural organisations and improved the well-being of individuals through bespoke activity provision. These micro connections - for everyone from the teacher to the decision maker to the DJ - are the spark that leads to a better, more collaborative and creative future.
Roles and Responsibilities of Trustees
Create Sheffield’s board members provide knowledge, support and guidance to the staff team. They work with the Chair to ensure excellent governance, encouraging all board members to work in partnership with the staff team to help us fulfil our ambitions.
Board members will:
Provide strategic vision and leadership, supporting and contributing to an innovative and constantly evolving organisation through discussions at board level and with staff.
Act as ambassadors for Create Sheffield locally and more broadly
Oversee the performance of the staff team
Oversee the compliance of Create Sheffield with its governing document and legal requirements and the effective and efficient administration of the organisation and its long-term financial stability
Regularly attend, prepare for and take part in meetings.
Time Commitment
Trustees are expected to serve a three-year term, with the option of extending to a second and third three-year term.
Create Sheffield holds 4 board meetings per year, usually during the working day.
Outside of meetings, board members may be called upon for advice or assistance according to their skills and experience by the staff team, and will be expected to attend events.
The role is voluntary, but appropriate travel and hospitality expenditure can be reimbursed.
Who We Are Looking For
Our Board aims to be diverse and representative of a broad cross-section of the local community, across a span of ages and backgrounds, with insights and experience in the arts, learning and connecting with children and young people.
The board will provide governance for the charity and welcomes expertise in several professional disciplines, finance, HR, business development and fundraising.
We have strong representation at board level in music and are particularly interested in representation from other artforms.
We are looking for trustees with expertise and experience in the following areas:
The school sector, particularly those with leadership experience
Working with children and young people in community settings
People who have faced a challenging pathway into the creative and cultural sector
We respect and value differing opinions and perspectives; we are committed to equality, diversity and inclusion.
We welcome applications from every section of the Sheffield community and want to reflect the communities we serve.
We would mentor successful candidates who wish to grow their knowledge of what it takes to be a Trustee.
How To Apply
Please send a CV and cover letter to by 29 June 2024. Interviews will be held in early July.
Do I have to have previous experience of being on an arts organisation’s board?
No. We are keen to balance experience across arts, formal and informal education and the wider voluntary sector, as well as lived experience of exclusion from arts and culture. Experience we are seeking can be in personal, paid, or voluntary capacity.
Do I have to have a background in the arts?
No – we want to hear from you whatever your area of expertise if you feel you have a contribution to make towards achieving our mission.
What happens after I apply?
We will get in touch to discuss your application, and if appropriate will arrange a time to meet you informally, which will be with a trustee, to have a conversation about Create Sheffield, the role of a trustee and why you’re interested in becoming involved with the organisation. Depending on the outcome of this meeting you could be invited to attend a board meeting as an observer. If you'd like to become a trustee after that board meeting, you'll be formally signed up at the following meeting.