Creative Teach-Meets – Rotherham Children’s Capital of Culture: Focus on Digital Media Arts

Rotherham Children’s Capital of Culture

What: Creative Teach-Meets - Focus on Digital Media Arts

When: 6th February  4.30 – 6.00PM

Where: National Videogame Museum

Throughout 2025 we will be holding a series of Creative Teach-Meets where schools and creative / cultural organisations have the chance to share inspirational practice, connect and plan future collaborations. Each event will also be an opportunity to connect with other schools undertaking Artsmark and hear about Children’s Capital of Culture projects.

Following the success of Plug in and Play our Feb event will be focused on media arts, videogames and digital literacies and is partnership with NVM and Create Sheffield. We will hear from Stacey Jubb (Head of Learning, NVM) who will share an overview of the formal learning programme at the National Videogame Museum. Alison Bradbury (Head Teacher Redscope Primary School) will share her school’s experience of co-creating games for Plug in and Play which is currently being showcased at the National Videogame Museum. Amy Hinchcliffe (Executive Assistant White Woods Primary Academy Trust) will tell us about the organisation and impact of their Games Expo 2024 and Dr Alison Buxton will present ‘WorldBuilders’ a videogames and literacy focused project funded by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation. There will also be tea, coffee, snacks, and cake!


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