Jessica Heywood
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Jessica Heywood is a Sheffield based artist working predominantly in drawing and textiles. Her practice explores anatomical reality and liminality within the context of craft, specifically through studies of found dead animals and abstracted studies of the natural world. Her work considers the boundary between life and death, observing the fragility of our everyday natural environments. Heywood captures bodies in considered and meticulous detail, honouring the found deceased creatures by providing them with an identity which otherwise would be neglected. Labour intensive methods underpin Heywood’s practice, as they speak to the historic conversation happening throughout all drawings.
Within my workshop practice, I help improve drawing confidence in people of all abilities. We work together using a variety of non traditional techniques, which over time teach you how to look properly, and improve your skills. I also offer textiles workshops, ranging from crochet to embroidery. I am currently developing some metal embossing workshops. All the workshops are designed for people of any ability, who want to have fun, or create a positive mental state.
Working with Sheffield Museums, I have a wealth of experience offering workshops ranging from science, to history to hands on painting and printing. I have run my own anatomical workshops in a variety of different locations, where we use our own bodies and how we feel musculature might fit together, to create imagined monsters. One of my most popular workshops is 'So You Think You Can't Draw?', which is aimed at anyone who is not confident with drawing.